“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightening and the lightening bug.” – Mark Twain
The purpose of communication is to narrow the distance between people and places. There are many paths to reach the goal, but the right one is in demand.
In personal communication every one wants to convey their thoughts and feelings. When we speak we convey our message not only by words, but our body language plays a major factor in expression, even you have found few people giving some gesture while talking on a phone. We can rectify our self immediately if spoke anything wrong or got diverted from our topic. There is few linguistics required while we speak, a good speaker must attract the attention of the audience, how well the document preparation is doesn't matter, but he has to deliver the speech well.
Writer has to be perfect in his wordings, words wills acts as wizard to visualize to fact, simple words are enough to express, once reader get diverted from the main topic it is difficult to make a “U” turn to the main topic. We writers have to be consistent in our writings and take precautionary measures to minimize errors in document, readers will love the writing if they find it interesting. In technical document writers are not allowed to express their own feeling and exaggerate their own subject, writing has to be precise and to the point. Technical document in itself means technology related document referring to usability or popularize the product, which can be tangible or intangible.
White Paper, Patent Paper, style guide, so on are document related to the product. The term "TECHNICAL DOCUMENT" can be categorized as follows:
- Operation Manuals
- User Manuals
- Administrative Manuals
- Service Manuals
- Maintenance Manuals
- Installation Manuals
- On-line Help
- Policies & Procedures
- Technical Bulletins
- Data Sheets/Specification Sheets
- Quick Reference Guides/Cards
- Usability Testing & Validation,
- API document
- Functional Document, and may more.
Users of technical document may be internal or external people of its own company. Document was in the past, but why much of demand is there now days? Reasons for crunch of software technical writing are as follows:
- Computers and their users are rapidly increasing and they all need to familiar with upcoming computer products
- Globalization makes it inevitable to popularize the product
- Need to decrease training cost
- Maintain standardization
- Swift flow of information
Increase in awareness among the software personnel to give importance and recognize software documentation is also one of the reasons for demand of technical writers.The job of technical writer is to express technical knowledge in layman terms, technical documents format and style differs according to different user.
1.What tools can be used to develop web-based online help?
(A) By international treaty, only RoboHelp can be used
(B) Any Windows help application, provided it can compile the help in uncompressed HTML files.
(C) Microsoft Word or a similar word processor
2. What is a major difference between online help and a tutorial?
(A) People use the index in help more than they would in a tutorial
(B) Tutorials always use multimedia, while that is not available in help
(C) People only use help when needed, but that is not true with tutorials
3. Why was the Java applet selected in compiling the WebHelp instead of DHTML?
(A) Java code cannot be compromised by hackers
(B) Concern over browser compatibility
(C) DHTML means "Don't use HTML"
4. How is the creative process stimulated?
(A) By taking stimulants or depressants
(B) In a very linear and logical order
(C) Randomly, by association of images and words
5. Do graphical outlining software superior to pencil and paper?
(A) It depends on your working style
(B) Provided it is not too expensive
(C) Pencil and paper are obsolete
6. Why do you need to learn to use difficult programs like FrameMaker?
(A) To get into the desktop publishing business
(B) It is only necessary for poor writers
(C) It is often a requirement for the job8Bottom of Form
7. Why should you be knowledgeable about the subject matter?
(A) In case the subject matter expert gets sick
(B) To show you are better than the engineers
(C) It is difficult to write about what you don't understand
8. What can you learn from attending Society for Technical Communications meetings?
(A)Techniques other writers use
(B)There is no reason to do so
(C)The latest gossip about other writers
9.. Why isn't "good enough" good enough?
(A) There isn't the satisfaction of doing your best
(B) If it satisfies the requirements, it is good enough
(C)You may end up with extra time on your handsBottom of Form
10. How can writing online help be valuable to your supervisor?
(A)Online help has no use or value
(B)She can use it on her computer
(C)He can deliver a needed product to his manager
11. What is a way to make yourself more valuable?
(A)Demand higher wages
(B)Delay on finishing a critical document
(C)Volunteer for important tasks
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