People prefer instant help, sometime they don’t like to read
the content to find the answer of their queries. It is helpful if someone shows
you the steps to solve the problem, rather than navigating the user guide and
troubleshoot the problem. People sometime prefer a video tutorial to view the
how-to-do task.
Nowadays we get everything on mobile, prefer a video or
online help for a product. For software
products, printed document will soon be past.
The internet and mobile has reduced the distance between the user and
the vendor.
The product simulations and demonstrations can attract the attention of people. A technical writer can create video tutorial by using the Captivate and Articulate, these e-learning tools can also create course and quiz for the learners.
The product simulations and demonstrations can attract the attention of people. A technical writer can create video tutorial by using the Captivate and Articulate, these e-learning tools can also create course and quiz for the learners.
The sales personnel prefer a product demonstration for the
clients and seminars. These demonstrations give a better walk through the
product in a nut shell, instead of running the product. The beta version of the
product might not be ready on time or create run-time error.
People can grasp the features of a product by watching the
tutorial at their own time. Watching a video is always fun than reading a